







Drifting Apart

The Drifting Apart project, financed by the EU North Periphery Project, aims to support the sustainable economic growth through innovative products and services that will be established, sustainability through the conservation, education and enhancement of geodiversity.

The Drifting Apart consortium is an unincorporated body made up of 7 main partners;

  1. Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust - Northern Ireland (leader)
  2. Marble Arch Caves Global Geopark, Northern Ireland -Republic of Ireland
  3. Magma Global Geopark  – Norway
  4. Reykjanes Global Geopark – Iceland
  5. Shetland Global Geopark – Scotland
  6. Stonehammer Global Geopark – Canada
  7. Kenozero National Park- Russia

Sub partners are: North West Highlands Global Geopark- Scotland, The Burren and Cliffs of Moher Global Geopark- Republic of Ireland, Saga Geopark Project - Iceland, Katla Global Geopark- Iceland, Trollfjell Geopark Project - Norway and Cabox Aspiring Geoparks- New Foundland, Canada. Other sub partners are Geological Survey’s of Ireland, North Ireland and Norway.

Project aims:

  • Identifying the common geological story that spans the region
  • Encouraging research and use of innovative tools, including 3D Mapping and Laser Scanning, to illustrate the geological story.
  • Making the common geological story accessible for use in interpretation and education initiatives.
  • Capitalising on the tourism potential of the geological story through development of a transnational cultural route that provides opportunities for tourism based SMEs.
  • Identifying and sharing good practise through a survey of existing Geopark activities.
  • Developing and implementing a sustainable Geopark model based on existing good practise and innovation, to ensure the long term economic viability of Geoparks.
  • Supporting the development of new and aspiring Geoparks within the region.
  • Creating efficiencies in the operation of Geoparks, and communication between Geoparks.
  • Employing and developing new technologies and innovative products to best advantage throughout every aspect of the project.
  • Evaluating the benefits of the project to provide a roadmap for further development both within the region and beyond.